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Little evidence to support lasers for ‘vaginal rejuvenation’


Laser devices licensed in Canada to treat genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) are often marketed for vaginal rejuvenation with claims that they will tighten the vagina and improve sexual function, despite lack of evidence, a new commentary reveals.

Vaginal lasers heat the vaginal epithelium and cause thermal necrosis. This intervention induces collagen remodeling and synthesis, neovascularization, and elastin formation and may result in improved vaginal elasticity and restoration of premenopausal epithelial function, according to coauthors Blayne Welk, MD, MSc, an associate professor of urologic surgery at Western University, London, Ont., and Erin Kelly, MD, a lecturer in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Alberta, Edmonton.

Their patients’ questions and experiences with the laser devices prompted the commentary, they told this news organization.

“A large part of my practice involves addressing GSM and urinary incontinence,” said Dr. Kelly. “Many women present to the clinic having heard of vaginal laser procedures, having had vaginal laser procedures, or having been told they need vaginal laser procedures. My impression has been that these procedures are being marketed to women … without rigorous study.”

“Many women are reluctant to have mesh slings for stress incontinence due to some of the potential risks,” and they are looking for less invasive options, said Dr. Welk. Over the past few years, he has had increasing questions from patients about the use of lasers to improve this condition.

The commentary was published online in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

Transparency needed

The first vaginal energy device was licensed by Health Canada in 2015 to treat GSM. That meant the device was deemed to have met basic safety, effectiveness, and quality criteria. But no controlled studies are required for regulatory approval of such devices, and after licensing, some providers rebranded the device indication from GSM to vaginal rejuvenation, said Dr. Kelly and Dr. Welk.

Vaginal laser therapies are offered throughout Canada, with at least one provider of vaginal rejuvenation procedures in the 10 most populous cities. Under the current system, the number of patients who pay for these procedures and the amount that they pay cannot be tracked. Nor can the number of vaginal laser systems active in Canada be tracked. Patients can refer themselves for the service, and providers’ publicly quoted costs (on websites, for example) are thousands of dollars for treatment.

The rebranding for vaginal rejuvenation “represents a difference between the licensing of a medical device by Health Canada and the way that these devices are used and marketed,” according to the commentary. “A procedure with limited high-quality evidence supporting its efficacy and a potential financial conflict of interest for providers may not be serving the best interests of people in Canada, even if the risk of adverse events is low.”

Updates to Canada’s medical devices action plan, including mandatory reporting of serious incidents and the ability to compel manufacturers to provide information on safety and effectiveness, “represent important progress,” according to Dr. Kelly and Dr. Welk. However, problems persist, including lack of a requirement for peer-reviewed, controlled studies.

Furthermore, women who undergo laser treatment for GSM, urinary incontinence, or vaginal rejuvenation may not receive a proper medical evaluation and standard treatments, the authors noted.

“I would like to see more transparency and public-facing information available on approved medical devices,” said Dr. Welk. “Health Canada has an online database of approved devices, but no information around the evidence submitted during the approval process is available, nor are the indications for the various devices.”

In addition, he said, many devices in the registry are listed by a serial number rather than the name that would be familiar to the public, “making it hard to match up information.”

Dr. Kelly added the “encouraging” news that the Canadian Society for Pelvic Medicine is working with Health Canada to “improve knowledge translation when it comes to transparency regarding medical devices.”


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