
Medical Travel Gaining Ground in U.S.


Friendly Physicians, Fine Food, Feng Shui

Cost savings are a primary driver, but it is more than simple economics that attracts Americans abroad. The leading international clinics can provide levels of service and comfort almost unheard of in U.S. hospitals.

Doctors in Asia or Latin America spend up to an hour per consultation, and routinely offer their personal cell phone numbers to patients and their families. Concierge services, four-star meal plans, and hotel-style accommodations are the rule, and travel packages often include limousine transport to and from the airport and clinic. The generally slower pace and the traditions of hospitality found overseas also may appeal to Americans shell-shocked by the frazzling pace and impersonal nature of U.S. health care.

Before 1997, the U.S. and Europe were the major recipients of international medical travelers, while Singapore was the major hub for Asia, explained Bumrungrad's Mr. Schroeder. In 1997, the economic crises in many Asian countries made price of care much more of an issue, so more Asians began to travel beyond their home borders for care.

After the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, an increasing number of patients from the Middle East began traveling to Asia for care. "They used to go to America or Europe, but visas became problematic, so they started going to Thailand, Singapore, and India," said Mr. Schroeder. He estimated Bumrungrad served 92,000 people from Middle Eastern countries in the last year; representing about 20% of total international business for the hospital.

In response to the influx of investment capital and international patient volume, hospitals in Thailand, India, and Singapore quickly ramped up their services. They built new facilities, installed state-of-the-art technology, sent physicians abroad for training in advanced therapeutics, and recruited clinicians from abroad.

The Bugbear of Aftercare

Follow-up and recourse if there are complications are a major concern to all involved with medical travel, and it is the aspect of this trend that makes American doctors most nervous.

"It's a very legitimate concern," agreed Mr. Schroeder. "A lot of the referrals to our hospital do not come from doctors because the patients do not have doctors. They're either outside their home health care systems (i.e., they are uninsured) or they are abandoning their home health care systems. Whenever we can, we do coordinate electronically with our patients' home doctors. If there are complications, we fly patients back, at our own expense, to take care of the problem. We do hold ourselves accountable for complications."

Medical Outsourcing

According to Mr. Schroeder, "health care costs are capsizing American businesses. They're starting to look at international health care as a form of outsourcing. The idea, while not yet widespread, is gaining traction."

He noted that Bumrungrad recently signed a landmark deal with Blue Cross of South Carolina, for a program called Companion Global Healthcare, which would provide an alternative for people wishing to seek overseas health care.

"It is essentially a pilot project. There's no commercial insurance product attached to it yet. We're exploring processes. It's a learning situation. We're trying to feel it out and see if it can work," said Mr. Schroeder. The program provides subscribers with access to a specialized travel agency in Virginia that makes all arrangements for medical travel to Bumrungrad, and coordinates after-care through a network of physicians in South Carolina.

But it is only a matter of time before U.S. insurers start actively driving patients overseas, predicted Jeffrey Lefko, a Chicago-based health care consultant who is working with Parkway Group Healthcare, a Singapore-based hospital system, to develop its U.S. referral base.

"It's not happening yet, but it is going to happen, and soon," Mr. Lefko said in an interview. "A number of U.S. companies have started to work with self-insured plans to make procedures in Singapore a viable option. You're going to see much more of the insurance industry get interested in this."

Further growth of medical travel, especially if pushed from the home front by U.S. insurers, could have major impact on American health care systems, but Dr. Jason Chin Huat Yap, medical director of the Singapore Tourism Board, said that he believes a lot of the unease surrounding these trends is unwarranted.

"Singapore's share of the global health care economy is about $12.6 billion. The U.S. share is about $2,000 billion. Even if you quadrupled our capacity and you threw in India, too, we're not even able to come close to providing health care for all Americans," he said. "It's still a very small fraction."

Case in Point: Singapore

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