
Testicular Choriocarcinoma Metastatic to the Skin: An Additional Case and Literature Review

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Choriocarcinoma, a malignancy of trophoblastic cells, is characterized by the secretion of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Choriocarcinoma primarily arises from the fetal (placental) trophoblasts in the setting of a molar pregnancy. Nongestational choriocarcinoma from the ovary or testis is much rarer. Testicular choriocarcinoma is a malignant tumor with great propensity for distant metastasis. The primary sites of metastasis are the lungs, liver, and brain. Skin metastasis is very rare but portends a grave prognosis when diagnosed. We present the case of a 24-year-old white male with a testicular mixed germ-cell tumor with skin metastases of choriocarcinoma.


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