Chronic Acquired Dyskeratotic Papulosis of the Face
Cutis. 2002 June;69(6):469-471
Author and Disclosure Information
Ehrlich A, Ma ASP, Dixon A, Topalovski M, Belsito DV
A Vietnam veteran who had been exposed to Agent Orange presented with a 28-year history of a papulonodular disease mainly affecting the face. Over those years, pin-sized papules had developed into dark nodules. Multiple biopsies of both fresh and mature papulonodules had been performed for routine histopathology and electron microscopy. Results had been positive for spongiosis with exocytosis, acanthosis, dyskeratotic keratinocytes, and marked incontinence of pigment, which together are suggestive of a previously unreported clinical entity that we term chronic acquired dyskeratotic papulosis.