Tacrolimus Ointment 0.1% for the Treatment of Peristomal Skin Disease: 3 Case Reports
Cutis. 2006 October;78(4):258-260
Author and Disclosure Information
Wells GL, Brown J, Manganiello WD, Chapman MS
Patients with stomas face a variety of problems, such as skin breakdown or ulceration at the peristomal site, that can complicate care. Topical steroids are frequently used to treat various inflammatory conditions that affect peristomal skin with good results, but chronic use can lead to undesirable side effects. Tacrolimus ointment 0.1%, a nonsteroidal immunosuppressant, could offer a more favorable alternative to topical steroids. We present 3 cases of peristomal skin disease that were successfully treated with tacrolimus ointment 0.1%.