Generalized Acanthosis Nigricans Related to Type B Insulin Resistance Syndrome: A Case Report
Cutis. 2010 December;86(6):299-302
Author and Disclosure Information
Jeong K-H, Oh S-J, Chon S, Lee M-H
Acanthosis nigricans (AN) is a cutaneous marker for many underlying states such as endocrine abnormality, obesity, certain drugs, and malignancy. Generalized AN is a rare condition and is commonly seen in adults with an underlying malignancy. The type B insulin resistance syndrome, a rare autoimmune disorder, is caused by the autoantibodies to the insulin receptor. Patients typically present with hyperglycemia but also may present with hypoglycemia. We report a rare case of a 36-year-old man with generalized AN and type B insulin resistance syndrome with hypoglycemia.