Comment on "Discrete Papular Dermal Mucinosis With Hashimoto Thyroiditis: A Case Report" (Cutis. 2011;87:143-145) [letter]
Cutis. 2012 May;89(5):217-218
Author and Disclosure Information
Sulit DJ, Haley J
We read with interest the article, “Discrete Papular Dermal Mucinosis With Hashimoto Thyroiditis: A Case Report” (Cutis. 2011;87:143-145). In this case report, the authors described a case of discrete papular mucinosis associated with Hashimoto thyroiditis. We disagree with the diagnosis of the discrete papular form of papular mucinosis, also known as discrete papular form of lichen myxedematosus (DPLM). We suggest that the patient possibly may have presented with an atypical case of thyroid dermopathy or dermal mucinosis secondary to connective-tissue disease but not papular mucinosis.