Neurofibromatosis Associated With Plaque-Type Psoriasis: Coincidental Occurrence or Casual Association? [letter]
Vasili E, Saraceno R, Vargu M, Hysi K, Kellici S, Fida M
Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1) is a hereditary disorder commonly associated with cutaneous, neurologic, and orthopedic manifestations. Psoriasis is a chronic multifactorial skin condition characterized by erythematous scaly plaques that affect the scalp, trunk, extensor surfaces of the limbs, and genital region. The condition affects 2% to 4% of the population in Western countries. The clinical association between neurofibromatosis and psoriasis is rare but could be related to common genetic defects. We report a 52-year-old woman who was referred to our department with erythematous scaly lesions on her elbows, knees, and scalp that had appeared in the last year. She presented with café-au-lait spots that were present since birth and an overgrowing formation of tumors over her trunk since 46 years of age.