Surveying Cosmetic Procedural Residency Training: Are We Short-Changing Tomorrow's Dermatologists? A Preliminary Report
Duffy D, Torok H, Keeling J, Rendon MI
Cosmetic procedures have become an integral part of many dermatology practices. Therefore, are dermatology residency programs adequately preparing residents for the cosmetic component of their future dermatology practices? A survey was distributed to dermatology residents at the 5th Annual Meeting, Exhibition, and Workshops of the American Society of Cosmetic Dermatology & Aesthetic Surgery. Residency training in various types of cosmetic procedures were examined, as well as the types and locations of residents’ future practices. The results of the survey indicated that many dermatology residency programs are not providing sufficient training in cosmetic dermatology procedures. A lack of training in cosmetic procedures may leave young dermatologists ill-prepared in this aspect of their practices.