Business of Medicine
Celebrity death finally solved – with locks of hair
Case: A 56-year-old musician presents with diffuse abdominal pain, cramping, and jaundice. His medical history is notable for years of diffuse...
Nurse makes millions selling her licensing exam study sheets
Stephanee Beggs’ business developed in a “very unintentional” way.
After the Match: Next steps for new residents, unmatched
International medical graduates applied in record numbers to Match2023, according to the National Resident Matching Program.
State medical board chair steps down amid Medicaid fraud accusations
State officials have suspended all Medicaid payments to Dr. Brian T. Hyatt and his practice.
Latest News
Match Day: Record number of residencies offered
Match Day resulted in a record number of residency positions offered, most notably in primary care, which “hit an all-time high.”
The Optimized Doctor
How to become wise
Wise is more than being brilliant at bullous diseases or knowing how to sleep train a baby.
From the Journals
What do I have? How to tell patients you’re not sure
More than one-third of patients are discharged from an emergency department without a clear diagnosis, one analysis estimates.
Managing Your Practice
Firing patients
One might assume that, just as patients are free to accept or reject their doctors, physicians have an equal right to reject their patients; to a...
The 2023 ‘Meddy’ awards
When did the best ‘is there a doctor in the house?’ moment occur in a motion picture?
Latest News
DEA proposals on telehealth for controlled substances draw fire
Both proposals would allow providers to prescribe a 30-day supply of a controlled substance or buprenorphine, but then require a face-to-face...
Clinician violence: Virtual reality to the rescue?
Workplace violence is affecting so many providers in hospital emergency departments but also throughout other parts of the hospital.