Photo Challenge
Rapidly Enlarging Neoplasm on the Face
An 88-year-old woman presented for evaluation of an asymptomatic facial lesion that she first noticed 3 months prior, with rapid growth over the...
Photo Challenge
Recurrent Pruritic Multifocal Erythematous Rash
A 60-year-old man with a history of hyperlipidemia developed acute onset of an intensely pruritic and painful burning rash on the dorsal aspect of...
Case Reports
Erythema Gyratum Repens–like Eruption in Sézary Syndrome: Evidence for the Role of a Dermatophyte
Erythema gyratum repens (EGR) often is associated with an underlying malignancy, but it is not an obligate paraneoplastic syndrome. This case...
Case Letter
Multiple Subcutaneous Dermoid Cysts
The majority of dermoid cysts are congenital; however, they may be acquired from traumatic implantation of epidermal elements into the dermis. The...
From the Journals
Atypical case of cutaneous MCL mimics SPTCL
The unusual case shows the importance of molecular cytogenetics and/or immunohistochemistry when making a diagnosis in panniculitis-type lymphomas...
Dermpath Diagnosis
Enlarging Nodule on the Thigh
A 68-year-old patient presented with an enlarging flesh-colored nodule on the thigh that was positive for cytokeratin 20 and negative for...
Case Letter
Symmetric Lichen Amyloidosis: An Atypical Location on the Bilateral Extensor Surfaces of the Arms
Lichen amyloidosis (LA) classically presents as a pruritic and papular eruption localized to the pretibial surface of the legs. This report...
Photo Challenge
Acral Flesh-Colored Papules on the Fingers
A 13-year-old otherwise healthy adolescent boy presented to the dermatology clinic for a rash on the bilateral dorsal hands of approximately 1...
Dermpath Diagnosis
Unilateral Facial Papules and Plaques
A 9-year-old boy presented with a slowly progressive lesion of 5 years’ duration affecting only the left side of the face in a dermatomal pattern...
Case Letter
Bothersome Blisters: Localized Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex
Localized epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS-loc) presents with flaccid bullae and erosions predominantly on the hands and feet, most commonly...
Case Reports
Relapsing Polychondritis in Human Immunodeficiency Virus
One-third of relapsing polychondritis (RP) patients have coexisting autoimmune disease. Dermatologists must be aware of the potential for...