Dermpath Diagnosis

Dermpath Diagnosis

Tetrad Bodies in Skin

A 72-year-old woman with a medical history notable for multiple sclerosis and intravenous drug abuse presented to the dermatology clinic with a 0....

Dermpath Diagnosis

Deep Soft Tissue Mass of the Knee

A 16-year-old adolescent girl presented with a bump over the left posterior knee of 1 month's duration. Her medical history was unremarkable. She...

Dermpath Diagnosis

Painful Mouth Ulcers

A 41-year-old woman presented with painful ulcers on the oral mucosa of 2 months' duration that were unresponsive to treatment with acyclovir. She...

Dermpath Diagnosis

Perianal Condyloma Acuminatum-like Plaque

A 19-year-old man presented with a perianal condyloma acuminatum-like plaque of 2 years' duration and a 6-month history of diarrhea.

Dermpath Diagnosis

Asymptomatic Subcutaneous Nodule on the Cheek

An 81-year-old man with history of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer presented with a subcutaneous nodule on the left cheek of 3 months'...

Dermpath Diagnosis

Growing Nodule on the Arm
