Health Policy
Califf plans work on opioids, accelerated approvals on return to FDA
In emphasizing the need for continued efforts to address risks of painkillers, Biden’s FDA nominee cites his relatives’ experience in getting 30-...
Physician gender pay gap isn’t news; health inequity is rampant
Making compensation formulas gender-blind is an important step – but it is only the first step, not the last.
From the Journals
Mask-wearing cuts new COVID-19 cases by 53%, study says
Social distancing and handwashing were also effective at lowering the number of cases, but wearing masks was the most effective tool against the...
Advocacy Update: Is Your Practice Equipped to Handle Looming Changes in Dermatopathology?
In July 2021, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published a proposed fee schedule that will negatively impact practices that...
Latest News
Biden vaccine mandate rule could be ready within weeks
Companies that refuse to follow the standard could be fined $13,600 per violation.
Modifier -25 and the New 2021 E/M Codes: Documentation of Separate and Distinct Just Got Easier
Insurer scrutiny of same-day evaluation and management (E/M) and procedure services has increased, and dermatologists should be prepared for more...
Original Research
Business Education in Dermatology Residency: A Survey of Program Directors
With the rising cost of health care in the United States and an increasingly competitive market, dermatology residents would benefit from business...
News from the FDA/CDC
CDC officially endorses third dose of mRNA vaccines for immunocompromised
Just hours after the FDA updated its EUA for COVID vaccines, the CDC has recommended a third dose for those who are at higher risk for severe or...
FDA may okay COVID booster for vulnerable adults before weekend: Media
Between one-third and one-half of...
Latest News
Tennessee fires top vaccine official as COVID cases increase
In a written statement, Dr. Fiscus said she was the 25th of 64 state and territorial immunization program directors to leave their positions...
Latest News
OSHA issues new rules on COVID-19 safety for health care workers