Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer
Dermpath Diagnosis
Rapidly Growing Nodule Within a Previously Radiated Area of the Scalp
An 84-year-old man with a history of nonmelanoma skin cancer presented to our clinic with a 1.6×1.5-cm exophytic lesion on the left posterior...
Food for Thought
The Role of Dietary Antioxidants in Melanoma and Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer
We review the effects of frequently encountered antioxidants and vitamins suggested for the chemoprevention of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin...
Hospital Consult
Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitor–Induced Symmetrical Drug-Related Intertriginous and Flexural Exanthema: Should You Discontinue the Offending Agent?
Symmetrical drug-related intertriginous and flexural exanthema is an uncommon but increasingly recognized cutaneous adverse event of epidermal...
Photo Challenge
Atypical Keratotic Nodule on the Knuckle
A 75-year-old man presented with a lesion on the knuckle of 5 months’ duration. He reported that the lesion initially grew very quickly before...
Latest News
Study eyes sunscreens marketed to individuals with skin of color
The average number of allergens per product was 4.7, most commonly fragrance/botanicals, tocopherol, sodium benzoates/derivatives, and sorbitan...
Latest News
What are the risk factors for Mohs surgery–related anxiety?
“Routinely recommending consultations may not be the best approach for improving anxiety outcomes,” the study authors wrote.
Latest News
Consider radiologic imaging for high-risk cutaneous SCC, expert advises
Surgery may be the mainstay of treatment for resectable SCC, but the emerging role of neoadjuvant therapeutics is changing the way oncologists...
Update on high-grade vulvar interepithelial neoplasia
Treatment of high-grade vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia should be driven by the clinical characteristics of the vulvar lesions, patients’...
Practical Pearls
Simplify Postoperative Self-removal of Bandages for Isolated Patients With Limited Range of Motion Using Pull Tabs
We describe how we designed, constructed, and applied 2 prototypes of easy self-removal pull tab bandage construction and report on the use of...
Photo Challenge
Asymptomatic Umbilical Nodule
A 64-year-old woman with no notable medical history was referred to our dermatology clinic with an intermittent eczematous rash around the eyelids...
Case Letter
Atypical Localized Scleroderma Development During Nivolumab Therapy for Metastatic Lung Adenocarcinoma
Immune checkpoint inhibitors such as nivolumab, a programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) inhibitor, are associated with immune-related adverse...