Practice Management
For Residents
A Starter Guide to Immunofluorescence Testing in Dermatology
This article is intended to serve as a helpful primer for immunofluorescence testing in dermatology, with an overview of the tests available as...
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Patient whips out smartphone and starts recording: Trouble ahead?
“The worry is that there’s a small subset of patients with an ulterior motive.”
Conference Coverage
How to deal with offensive or impaired doctors
She recalls a doctor who called a female doctor “an entitled bitch” and the administrator “incompetent” in front of other staff.
Med Tech Report
Medical technology should keep patient in mind
While the stethoscope has literally distanced us from patients, it is such an important tool that we no longer think about this distancing.
The Optimized Doctor
Words from the wise
When there’s time, consider asking for advice from those elders who happen to have an appointment with you.
Pandemic stresses harder on physician moms than physician dads: Study
Study results suggest that the pandemic has increased gender disparity and added disproportionately to the burden of female physicians.
Advocacy Update: Is Your Practice Equipped to Handle Looming Changes in Dermatopathology?
In July 2021, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published a proposed fee schedule that will negatively impact practices that...
Boxed warnings: Legal risks that many physicians never see coming
Learn about the legal dangers posed by boxed warnings before it’s too late.
80% of Americans research recommendations post-visit
Confusion over health information and doctor advice is even higher among people who care for patients than among those who don’t provide care to...
Latest News
Which specialties get the biggest markups over Medicare rates?
At the top end were radiology (180%), neurosurgery (220%), emergency and critical care (250%), and anesthesiology (330%).
New land mines in your next (and even current) employment contract
Physicians getting a new employment contract – or even those asked to renegotiate their current contract – may face some tough clauses. Here’s...