For Residents
More on How to Decrease Dermatology Interview Costs
The concept of an early-binding residency match process has the potential to save both time and money for dermatology residency programs and...
For Residents
Double Masking and Decontamination: A Doctor's COVID-19 Routine
Gary S. Ferenchick, MD, MS, a professor of medicine at Michigan State University, interviewed his daughter, Hannah R.B. Ferenchick, MD, an...
For Residents
The DNA Mismatch Repair System in Sebaceous Tumors: An Update on the Genetics and Workup of Muir-Torre Syndrome
When patients present with a solitary sebaceous tumor, there is a high likelihood they have Muir-Torre syndrome and thus are at a high risk to...
For Residents
'Silent Hypoxemia' and Other Curious Clinical Observations in COVID-19
Gary S. Ferenchick, MD, MS, a professor of medicine at Michigan State University, interviewed his daughter, Hannah R.B. Ferenchick, MD, an...
Original Research
Clinical Case-Viewing Sessions in Dermatology: The Patient Perspective
Clinical case-viewing (CCV) sessions often involve several health professionals simultaneously observing and interacting with a patient. Although...
NYU med student joins COVID fight: ‘Time to step up’
Unable to embrace his parents, he wondered if they would want him to volunteer.
For Residents
Milestone Match Day sees record highs; soar in DO applicants
The 2020 Match unified allopathic (MD) and osteopathic (DO) applicants for the first time in single matching program.
Latest News
DIY masks: Worth the risk? Researchers are conflicted
Some health care workers are making their own personal protective equipment.
Match Day 2020: Online announcements replace celebrations, champagne
Match Day organizers look to Zoom, slide shows, email announcements, and other ways to engage future residents.
Latest News
Clinicians petition government for national quarantine
The petition was started by an apolitical Facebook group to focus attention on what members see as the most critical issues for clinicians.
Latest News
Physicians and health systems can reduce fear around COVID-19
“We must look after our patients. But we also have to look after ourselves so that we can look after our patients,” said Dr. Peter M. Yellowlees...