Conference Coverage
Estrogen replacement eases weight-gain anxiety in girls with anorexia
Major finding: After 18 months of estrogen replacement therapy, 20 anorexic teenage girls, compared with 17 on placebo, had a significant decrease...
Conference Coverage
Exhaled VOC concentrations provide childhood obesity clues
Major finding: Concentrations of four VOCs were significantly higher in the overweight/obese vs. nonobese children after adjustment for age,...
Golimumab indication expanded to include ulcerative colitis
LARC use leads to dramatic drop in teen pregnancies
Major finding: The annual pregnancy rate among adolescents who chose a LARC was 29.9/1,000, compared with the 2008 U.S. teen pregnancy rate of 67....
Conference Coverage
High blood pressure begins early in overweight children
Major finding: Children who went from normal weight to overweight or obese over 2.5 years were 57% more likely to develop prehypertension and 87%...
Conference Coverage
In children with hypertension, weight plus race don't add up equally
Major finding: Race and weight interact to drive up hypertension rates in white and Hispanic children to nearly twice those seen in black and...
LARCs appear safe in adolescents with CVD
Major finding: In a study of LARC use among adolescents with congenital cardiac anomalies or other cardiovascular disease, no cases of...
Work-up, treatment of adolescent PCOS varies by specialty
Major finding: After evaluating adolescents for potential PCOS, 49% of adolescent medicine specialists ordered lipid tests, compared with 22% of...
Small vitamin D dose hits the plasma target
Major finding: For breast-fed infants, a daily dose of 400 IU of vitamin D boosted plasma concentrations of 25(OH)D to the 400-nmol/L level...
Ovarian dermoid cysts recur in 11% of adolescents
Major finding: Of 66 patients who underwent dermoid cystectomy, 7 (11%) had a recurrence of ovarian dermoid cysts.Data source: A retrospective...
Practical support helps teens get active
Major finding: Family instrumental support, not emotional support, was significantly associated with moderate to vigorous activity in adolescents....