Conference Coverage
Endocrine Society Redefines Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals
Men Benefit Most From Combined Weight-Loss Procedure
Major Finding: At 6 months after undergoing BPD-DS surgery, men had a significantly greater reduction in weight (–-30% vs. –26%, respectively),...
Conference Coverage
Closed-Loop Insulin Boosts Overnight Control in Young Children
Major Finding: The closed-loop system significantly reduced the time spent with blood glucose levels above 300 mg/dL (0.18 vs. 1.3 hours) and the...
Conference Coverage
Obesity in Pregnancy Linked to Offspring's Language Scores
Major Finding: At age 2 years, children whose mothers were obese during the second trimester averaged a 12.6-point lower score on the language...
GSK Pays $3 Billion to Settle Drug Promotion Charges
Conference Coverage
Check Vitamin D in Adolescents Before Bariatric Surgery
Major Finding: Fifty-four percent of obese adolescents being evaluated for bariatric surgery had vitamin D deficiency, including 8% with a severe...
Conference Coverage
SEARCH Turns Up More Diabetes in Youth
Major Finding: From 2001 to 2009, the prevalence of type 1 diabetes rose 23% among American youth aged 20 years and younger.
Conference Coverage
Rapid HbA1c Rise in a Child? Intensify Treatment Fast
Major Finding: Blood glucose increased from 5.7% to 7.3% in children with type 2 diabetes who responded to long-term treatment, but rose from 6.4...