Pituitary, Thyroid & Adrenal Disorders
Conference Coverage
Discuss quality of life with acromegaly patients
Conference Coverage
Control of congenital adrenal hyperplasia improves with more frequent steroid dosing
Major finding: Administering daily hydrocortisone in four divided doses, instead of increasing the prescription and sticking with three divided...
Conference Coverage
Pituitary tumor size not definitive for Cushing's
Major finding: A pituitary tumor larger than 6 mm on MRI was 40% sensitive and 96% specific for a diagnosis of Cushing’s disease as the cause of...
Conference Coverage
Laser shrinks benign thyroid nodules
Major finding: A progressive nodule volume reduction was found at 6 months (–50.7%), 12 (–57.3%), and 24 (–60.9%) using laser ablation.
Sorafenib emerges as option for advanced thyroid cancer
Major finding: Median progression-free survival was 10.8 months with sorafenib and 5.8 months with placebo (P less than .0001). Data source:...
Sorafenib extends survival in differentiated thyroid cancer
Conference Coverage
Case Report: Chronic marijuana use potential cause for hypopituitarism
All glucocorticoids linked to increased risk of VTE
Major Finding: New use of systemic glucocorticoids was associated with the highest risk for VTE, with an estimated incidence rate ratio of 3.06,...
Conference Coverage
Subclinical hypothyroidism predicts cardiovascular mortality in NHANES
Major finding: Healthy adults with subclinical hypothyroidism had a 24% greater risk of cardiovascular death than did euthyroid individuals during...