Pituitary, Thyroid & Adrenal Disorders
FDA approves pasireotide for Cushing's, with postmarketing safety studies
Thyroid Hormone Replacement Benefits Subset of CKD Patients
Major Finding: During a mean follow-up of 34.8 months, the overall rate of decline in estimated GFR was significantly greater among chronic kidney...
FDA Approves Second Drug for Rare Thyroid Cancer
FDA Panel Backs Somatostatin Analogue for Cushing's
Calcium Protective Against Hyperparathyroidism
Major Finding: Women in the highest quintile of dietary calcium intake had a relative risk for developing hyperparathyroidism of 0.61, compared...
Resistant Hypothyroidism? Consider Adding Liothyronine
Traumatic Brain Injury Linked to GH Deficiency
Major Finding: Twenty-five percent of a group of military veterans with mild traumatic brain injury had growth hormone deficiency, which was...
Oral Relaxin Improves Poststroke Recovery
Major Finding: Treatment with oral porcine relaxin at 40 mg/day plus rehabilitation therapy resulted in greater psychoneurologic and functional...
Conference Coverage
Experimental Drug Improves Muscle Strength in Cancer
Major Finding: The experimental drug enobosarm significantly improved physical function on a stair-climb test by 17% in hypogonadal men with...
Treatment Guidelines for Thyroid Dysfunction in Pregnancy Updated
GnRH Antagonist Improves Rheumatoid Arthritis
Major Finding: Inhibition of GnRH improved the signs and symptoms of RA and reduced TNF-alpha levels.Data Source: This was an exploratory pilot...