Providing Rural Veterans With Access to Exercise Through Gerofit

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This pilot project also demonstrated that key components of the Gerofit program could be delivered safely by telehealth with onsite supervision. The Miami VA Healthcare System also offers CVT Gerofit exercise classes broadcast to the rural Florida CBOCs of Key Largo and Homestead.11 The exercise activities offered for the Miami CVT participants incorporate components of AEX (calisthenics) and RT (resistance bands). Veterans enjoyed the classes, and adherence was good. However, availability of staff and space are an ongoing challenge.

In Key Largo, 5 veterans participated before the CVT classes were placed on hold owing to the demands of other CVT programs and limited availability of the telehealth clinical technician (TCT). The Homestead CBOC continues to offer CVT Gerofit exercise classes and has 6 regular participants. Notably, the physical space at the Homestead CBOC is smaller than that at the Key Largo CBOC; the Homestead CBOC has adjusted by shifting to exercises performed while standing or sitting, ensuring participants’ safety and satisfaction.

The Baltimore, Maryland VAMC Gerofit program offers other innovative CVT exercise classes, including a tai chi class, and a class with exercise performed while sitting in a chair. Although the Baltimore VAMC CVT exercise classes do not have the scope of the center-based exercise prescriptions, they are unique in that they are broadcast not only to their affiliated CBOCs, but also other Gerofit programs in different VISNs.

Related: Telehealth for Rural Veterans With Neurologic Disorders

Salem VAMC Gerofit Program. The center-based Salem VAMC Gerofit program was established in July 2015. In fiscal year 2017, its dedicated exercise facility had more than 5,000 patient visits. Despite the program’s success, we prioritized establishing Tele-Gerofit because of the medical center’s rural location in southwest Virginia and the large number of veterans who receive care at CBOCs. Therefore, much as with the pilot CVT Gerofit classes in Los Angeles and Miami, the target setting was rural CBOCs. The goal for Salem VAMC Tele-Gerofit was to modify Gerofit delivery to the CVT format and a CBOC setting with minimal modification of the content and personnel requirements of both physical performance testing and exercise training procedures.

Key stakeholders included the Salem VAMC telehealth program, which provided dedicated video technology equipment at the medical center and support of CBOC telehealth clinical technicians; CBOC medical staff, who referred patients and helped develop safety procedures; and CBOC facility directors, who allocated space and time in the CVT schedule. Differences between Tele-Gerofit and the center-based Gerofit program are summarized in Table 1.

Adjustments for CBOC Setting. The enrollment process for Tele-Gerofit is the same as that for the center-based program. To start, a veteran’s primary care provider reviews the list of eligibility criteria and, if the veteran qualifies, places a consult. A Gerofit team member then contacts the veteran by phone to describe the program and schedule an assessment. At the baseline physical performance assessment, American College of Sports Medicine guidelines on exercise participation, health screening, and exercise intensity are used to evaluate veterans and rank them by their cardiovascular risk.20 All new program participants start with low-intensity exercise and gradually progress to recommended levels of exercise. Before starting an exercise class, participants are instructed on use of the 10-point rating of perceived exertion (RPE).


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