
To be, or not to be? More counseling needed for gender dysphoria


Clinicians should not blindly accept a person’s self-diagnosis as transgender and desire to medically transition without closer inspection; rather, they should make a distinction between ‘acceptance’ and conducting an in-depth, respectful, and collaborative exploration of an individual’s claims about what they believe will best promote their well-being.

These are the conclusions of two experts in ethics and clinical psychology in an extended essay published in the Journal of Medical Ethics.

“It’s not about making life harder for people who wish to transition but about improving care for all people who identify as transgender,” lead author Alessandra Lemma, DClin Psych, visiting professor in the psychoanalysis unit at University College London, said in an interview.

She stressed that the argument is neither for nor against medical transitioning per se.

“It’s an invitation to think about how the medical and mental health care communities can best support anyone considering a transition, whether they eventually pursue that course of action or not. The provision of psychotherapy, irrespective of whether the individual medically transitions or not, makes for a better outcome either way,” said Dr. Lemma, who cares for adolescents as well as adults with gender dysphoria in her private practice in London.

Reflective space has been eroded in gender identity services for the young

There has been an exponential increase in the number of adolescents who identify as transgender in Western countries in recent years. This news organization has covered the debate in detail, which has intensified worldwide in the last 12 months, regarding how best to treat youth with gender dysphoria.

This has “raised concern about how the laudable aims of gender affirmative care may be ushering children and young people too quickly into medical transitioning,” generally defined as treatment with puberty blockers in minors followed by cross-sex hormones to transition to the opposite sex, “leading subsequently to a wish to detransition with all the attendant physical and psychological complications,” wrote Dr. Lemma and her coauthor, Julian Savulescu, MD, professor of practical ethics, University of Oxford (England).

While the United Kingdom and other countries such as Finland have tightened regulations regarding the treatment of minors, “these medical interventions continue to be provided in many other countries,” they noted.

Such affirmative care has recently been interpreted by “influential sections of the transgender community” as forbidding “’questioning’ of any kind of the person’s stated gender and what will help them,” the essayists stated.

But Dr. Lemma noted that, for teenagers, this is typically a time to “try on” different identities and ways of presenting oneself to the world.

“All this requires a reflective space during the decision-making process, and this has been eroded in many gender identity services for young people especially, with a massive pressure on services.”

Family issues, trauma, and comorbid conditions can all influence people too, she noted, adding that what may be happening unconsciously may be driving the decision to modify the body.

“I cannot see that it would be harmful to anyone to have the opportunity to really think about what they are doing before making decisions about medical interventions,” she asserted.


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