
The Unfortunate Turn of Events in Pain Management

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The history of mankind is plagued with events that began as noble endeavors but down the line produced unintended consequences. Several events over the last few decades have produced similarly negative consequences in the contemporary management of chronic pain. The establishment of "pain as the 5th vital sign," although noble in its intentions, was fundamentally flawed, given the lack of an objective measure for it. We are currently paying for this mistake when it comes to the management of chronic noncancer pain.


Recommended Reading

Measuring Success Rates of Nonsurgical Treatment in Veterans With Chronic Low Back Pain and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Pilot Study
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The VHA's National Pain Management Strategy: Implementing the Stepped Care Model
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American Pain Foundation Makes Things Easier
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A Pain Education School for Veterans: Putting Prevention Into VA Practice
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The Co-Disciplinary Pain Clinic: A Unique Model for the Treatment of Complex Chronic Pain
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Pulsed Radio Frequency Energy for the Treatment of Phantom Limb Pain
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