Government and Regulations

The Starting Line of a New Era

The AMSUS Annual Continuing Education Meeting is the largest health care meeting focused on federal providers and will be held this year from December 1-4 in San Antonio, Texas.



AMSUS, the Society of Federal Health Professionals, is holding its 2015 Annual Continuing Education Meeting from December 1-4 in San Antonio, Texas, and has issued a call for lecture and poster abstracts for consideration. The conference is the largest health care meeting focused on federal providers and is expected to draw more than 1,000 attendees from across the VA, DoD, PHS, NIH, CDC, and other federal agencies.

The theme for this year’s meeting is “the New Normal,” reflecting the reality that federal medicine has just come through an extraordinary time of change and is settling into its future. Concurrent and dramatic events in global politics, the evolution of new technologies, and advances in the organization of federal medicine have drawn the starting line of a new era. Not necessarily a stable one, but a new one.

Related: 2014 AMSUS Meeting Wrap-Up

Plenaries, discussions, and presentations of original work will enable attendees to develop their own sight picture of the challenges and opportunities facing today’s health professionals in all federal spaces. Physicians, nurses, dentists, rehabilitation specialists, and health care administrators all have opportunities for professional growth and learning at the AMSUS 2015 conference—not to mention the unparalleled opportunities for interagency and international networking.

Visit for more information before the submission portal closes on May 4.

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