Conference Coverage

Aromatherapy to Reduce Anxiety in Radiation Therapy

Kaltenbach KM, Semrad JA, Glime DL, Hagle ME

Abstract 51: 2015 AVAHO Meeting


Purpose: The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of aromatherapy on anxiety for patients receiving their first series of radiation therapy to the upper chest, neck, and/or head.

Background: For patients with head and neck, lung, or brain cancer, radiation therapy is a primary treatment and involves using a restraining device over the upper body during therapy. This procedure has the capacity to produce anxiety for anyone receiving this treatment. It can be even more anxiety producing for veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder or histories of active-duty-related trauma. Current management of anxiety includes anti-anxiety pharmaceuticals, calming music, and behavior therapy. Anti-anxiety medications, although helpful, have adverse effects and potential for dependence. They may also interfere with travel for patients who drive themselves back and forth from treatment. Some essential oils used in aromatherapy are known to have anti-anxiety properties. Radiation therapy would seem to be uniquely suited for using this approach of reducing anxiety.

Methods: This pilot study will include a total of 10 patients. In this large Midwestern VA academic medical center, about 10 to 15 new patients with head, neck, lung, or brain cancers are seen per month. It is expected this pilot can be concluded in 1 to 2 months. The aromatherapy intervention will incorporate a commercial product using 2 combinations of essential oils to reduce anxiety: (1) orange-peppermint and (2) lavender-sandalwood. Two instruments will be used to measure anxiety: a visual analog scale of 0 to 10 for anxiety as reported by patients and a symptom checklist for anxiety as observed by clinicians.

Data Analysis: Descriptive statistics and qualitative patients comments will be used to describe results.

Conclusions: This pilot study tests the feasibility of using aromatherapy in radiation oncology. This study provides a basis for a research project investigating the effectiveness of specific essential oils vs standard symptom management to reduce anxiety in radiation therapy.

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