Rare Diseases
Mastocytosis: Rare, underdiagnosed, potentially fatal
This often-missed myeloid neoplasm could be deadly and deserves greater attention, experts say.
Cancer clinics begin to accommodate patients demanding new cancer detection tests
Sales teams are making a big push for multicancer early detection tests.
Have you heard of VEXAS syndrome?
The prevalence of this syndrome is unknown, but it is not so rare.
Doctors urge screening for autoimmune disorders for patients with celiac disease
At least in some cases, people with one autoimmune disorder should be tested for others, celiac disease specialists say.
Conference Coverage
A farewell to arms? Drug approvals based on single-arm trials can be flawed
Objective responses, not time-dependent survival outcomes, should be endpoints for single-arm trials, with results only used for conditional...
CDC warns of enterovirus strain linked to polio-like condition
The advisory also urged providers to “strongly consider AFM in patients with acute flaccid limb weakness, especially after respiratory illness or...
ILD on the rise: Doctors offer tips for diagnosing deadly disease
The COVID-19 pandemic has added a new challenge to making the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease, Dr. Kulkarni said. COVID can lead to...
Erlotinib promising for cancer prevention in familial adenomatous polyposis
After 6 months of weekly erlotinib, duodenal polyp burden was significantly reduced, with a mean percent reduction of 29.6%.
Two deaths from liver failure linked to spinal muscular atrophy drug
These are the first known fatal cases of acute liver failure associated with the drug, which the company notes was a known side effect included in...
Quality of life benefit exaggerated in some cancer studies