News from the AGA

Top AGA Community patient cases


Physicians with difficult patient scenarios regularly bring their questions to the AGA Community to seek advice from colleagues about therapy and disease management options, best practices, and diagnoses. The upgraded networking platform now features a newsfeed for difficult patient scenarios and regularly scheduled Roundtable discussions with experts in the field.

In case you missed it, here are some clinical discussions and Roundtables in the newsfeed this month:

Which of the following patients needs a liver biopsy and why? (

Next steps for a Crohn’s patient (

Fecal calprotectin versus histology (

Collecting and sending specimen for disaccharidase assay (

Roundtables (
Q&A with CRC task force: Endoscopic Recognition and Management Strategies for Malignant Colorectal Polyps

View all upcoming Roundtables in the community at

Next Article:

AGA Giving Day: Our fight to eradicate disparities in digestive diseases