Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions
HCV Screening in Community Health Centers
Does it meet USPSTF guidelines?
Community health centers (CHCs) should consider opportunities to improve HCV infection screening, thereby contributing to the reduction of health inequities resulting from untreated HCV infection. This according to a study of 60,772 adults at risk for HCV infection who had a patient office visit. Researchers found:
• 8.3% of patients had an HCV infection screen in accordance with US Preventive Services Task Force birth cohort screening guidelines.
• Women were less likely to be screened than men in every race/ethnic group, including white Hispanic (9.3% in women vs 5.4% in men), black Hispanic (15.1% vs 9.0%), white non-Hispanic (13.6% vs 8.1%), black non-Hispanic (14.9% vs 8.9%) Caribbean Islander or Haitian (6.5% vs 3.7%), and other races/ethnicities (6.3% vs 3.6%).
Citation: Cook N, Turse EP, Garcia AS, Hardigan P, Amofah SA. Hepatitis C virus infection screening within community health centers. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2016;116(1):6-11. doi: 10.7556/jaoa.2016.001.