Key clinical point: Between 2006 and 2016, the treatment pattern for stage II/III rectal cancer in the US showed a shift from postoperative chemotherapy/radiation therapy (C/RT) to preoperative C/RT, along with improvements in overall survival.
Major finding: Fewer patients received postoperative C/RT+multiagent chemotherapy (MA) in 2016 vs 2006 (8% vs 28%; P < .001), whereas more patients received preoperative C/RT+MA (45% vs 24%; P < .001), with diagnosis in 2015 vs 2006 being associated with improved survival within 36 months after diagnosis (adjusted hazard ratio for mortality 0.77; 95% CI 0.67-0.87).
Study details : Findings are from a retrospective cohort analysis of records of 32,467 patients with stage II/III rectal cancer treated with trimodality therapy .
Disclosures: Dr. Lin and Dr. Simianu declared receiving personal fees or grants from or serving as consultants or expert reviewers for various sources.
Source: Kennecke HF et al. Patterns of practice and improvements in survival among patients with stage 2/3 rectal cancer treated with trimodality therapy. JAMA Oncol. 2022 (Aug 18). Doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2022.2831