Key clinical point: Endocrine therapy (ET) improved survival outcomes in all patients with small pT1a-b, estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer (BC), especially in patients with grade 2-3 tumors.
Major finding: No adjuvant ET vs adjuvant ET was associated with decreased disease-free survival (DFS) in the overall cohort of patients with pT1a-bN0 ER+ BC (hazard ratio [HR] 1.275; P = .047) and in those with grade 2-3 tumors (HR 1.502; P = .049); however, ET did not affect DFS outcomes in grade 1 pT1a-bN0 ER+ BC.
Study details : Findings are from a retrospective, observational study including 5545 patients with pT1a-b ER+ BC, of which the majority (80.3%) received adjuvant ET.
Disclosures: This study did not receive any funding. The authors declared no conflicts of interest.
Source: Houvenaeghel G et al. Contribution of endocrine therapy in oestrogen receptor-positive pT1a-b breast cancer: Results of a retrospective study. Eur J Cancer. 2022;176:58-69 (Oct 1). Doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2022.08.027