Neoplastic Meningitis
- Received 26 May 2011. Accepted 2 June 2011. Available online 23 September 2011.
Neoplastic meningitis occurs in approximately 5%–10% of all patients with cancer, and aggressive supportive measures are a critical component of comprehensive care. A literature review of the current diagnostic methods, randomized controlled trials, and available treatments was undertaken; and a comprehensive discussion of best-practice supportive care measures is provided. Although the prognosis for those diagnosed with neoplastic meningitis is poor, treatment and supportive care may allow stabilization of neurologic symptoms and afford protection from further neurologic deterioration, allowing patients to maximize their function and independence and adjust their expectations of treatment from cure to palliation.
*For a PDF of the full article and accompanying viewpoints by Alexis Demopoulos and Matthias Holdhoff along with Stuart Grossman, click in the links to the left of this introduction.