Bleeding Disorders
From the Journals
Hematuria is highly prevalent in pediatric hemophilia A and B
Hematuria was detected in nearly half of children with hemophilia during screening urinalysis.
From the Journals
Concomitant emicizumab, ITI shows promise in severe hemophilia A
A small case series of pediatric patients with hemophilia A demonstrates the feasibility of using immune tolerance induction for inhibitor...
From the Journals
Self-reported adherence fails to line up with objective measures in hemophilia
Social desirability bias may be playing a role in patients with hemophilia reporting better adherence than is measured through objective reports...
From the Journals
Review reveals lack of data on mild hemophilia A
A review of 17 studies showed limited and inconsistent data on bleeding, joint pain, quality of life, and other outcomes.
Conference Coverage
Concizumab looks feasible in hemophilia A and B treatment
MELBOURNE – The monoclonal antibody concizumab has shown a favorable safety profile and significant reductions in bleeding for patients with...
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RNA interference drug fitusiran looks effective in both hemophilia A and B
MELBOURNE – The RNA interference drug fitusiran is associated with significant reductions in bleeding rates in patients with hemophilia A and B,...
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Early phase trial shows durable responses to gene therapy for hemophilia A
MELBOURNE – Gene therapy to replace factor VIII in patients with hemophilia has shown sustained reductions in bleeding rates with no significant...
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Emicizumab follow-up shows further bleeding declines
MELBOURNE – Longer-term follow-up data with emicizumab in hemophilia A shows further declines in bleeding rates and improvement in target joints...
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Minor surgeries appear safe for hemophilia patients on emicizumab
MELBOURNE – Patients with hemophilia A treated with emicizumab can safely undergo minor surgery, often without needing prophylactic coagulation...
From the Journals
Labor outcomes unchanged by alternate anesthesia in bleeding disorder patients
A retrospective study has encouraging results for pregnant women with inherited bleeding disorders who cannot receive regional anesthesia.
From the Journals
Osteoporotic fracture risk appears higher in adults with hemophilia
The risk of osteoporotic fractures following hemophilia increased with time and was significantly higher 5 years after the diagnosis.