Business of Medicine
Fixing the ACA: 11 practical solutions
As Congress ends its summer recess, an Oregon pediatrician offers suggestions on how they can improve health care for all Americans.
News from the FDA/CDC
Safety issues not that unusual in medical offices
Pharmacies may correct or clarify prescriptions, and lab results aren’t ready when needed.
Antimicrobial development model links financial incentives with public health needs
Duke University researchers have designed a model for the development and sustainable use of antimicrobials that links payments more directly to...
Physicians shift on support of single-payer system
Opinions “appear to have evolved” since a 2008 survey, when the majority of physicians opposed it.
CBO: End of ACA subsidies would mean short-term exit of insurers
The availability of plans is expected to rebound.
Say ‘Aloha’ to the best health care
If you don’t live in Hawaii, your health care is no better than second best, says WalletHub.
ACA lawsuits progress through the courts
Contraception coverage, risk corridor payments, and support for low-income patients are at stake.
ACA: Five tactics could lead to implosion
Are regulation and inaction being employed by the White House to push the Affordable Care Act to the point of no return?
News from the FDA/CDC
Less than half of office visits involve primary care
Patients aged 45 years and over are more likely to see a specialist.
Medicare Part D premiums dip as drug costs continue to rise
While drug spending is projected to increase in 2018, Part D insurance providers are expecting their drug costs to fall.
Senate sinks GOP health care reform effort
Assurances that ‘skinny repeal’ would go to conference committee didn’t suffice.