COVID-19 Updates
From the Journals
Infection with 2019 novel coronavirus extends to infants
Nine infants with at least one infected family member have tested positive for the 2019 novel coronavirus.
Conference Coverage
As novel coronavirus outbreak evolves, critical care providers need to be prepared
Latest News
ACC issues guidance on cardiac implications of coronavirus
The document provides information on the potential cardiac implications from analog viral respiratory pandemics and offers early clinical guidance...
An epidemic of fear and misinformation
Discrimination and fear may do more damage than the 2019 Novel Coronavirus itself.
News from the FDA/CDC
Two new Novel Coronavirus cases confirmed among quarantined U.S. patients
The 14th and 15th cases of 2019-nCoV in the United States both occurred among patients who were under federal quarantine.
From the Journals
Pathways to new therapeutic agents for human coronaviruses
CDC confirms 13th case of coronavirus in U.S.
The person in California was previously under federal quarantine because the patient had traveled to Wuhan, China.
From the Journals
Screen pregnant women with suspected 2019-nCoV infection
Latest News
Remdesivir under study as treatment for novel coronavirus
At this time, the immediate risk of 2019-nCoV to the American public remains low.
News from the FDA/CDC
CDC begins coronavirus diagnostic test kit distribution; new case confirmed in Wisconsin
From the Journals
The 2019 novel coronavirus: Case review IDs clinical characteristics
A review of coronavirus pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China, suggests older men and those with comormid conditions are most likely to be affected by...