HCV screening in pregnancy: Reducing the risk for casualties in the quest for elimination
HCV screening during pregnancy, as currently recommended, provides no immediate benefit for the pregnant woman or the fetus/neonate, given that...
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HCV in pregnancy: One piece of a bigger problem
“These data also enable us to step back a bit from HCV and look at the landscape of how the opioid crisis continues to grow in complexity and...
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Protein expression may predict HBV DNA suppression
Protein expression patterns after treatment for HBV infections may help clinicians refine therapy.
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Liver transplant outcomes improving for U.S. patients with HIV/HCV
Hepatitis C virus infection no longer confers worse patient survival in the era of DAA therapy, but the population remains underserved.
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Treatment paradigm for chronic HBV in flux
Some patients achieve functional cure after treatment withdrawal, while others face flares or other challenges.
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New ‘minimal monitoring’ approach to HCV treatment may simplify care
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HBV viremia linked to HCC risk in HIV/HBV coinfection
2021 ACIP adult schedule released
From the Journals
CDC: 20% of people in the U.S. are infected with an STD
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Eliminating hepatitis by 2030: HHS releases new strategic plan
The United States “is currently facing unprecedented hepatitis A outbreaks, while progress in preventing hepatitis B has stalled, and hepatitis C...
Updated USPSTF HBV screening recommendation may be a ‘lost opportunity’
The recommendation defines risk groups more narrowly than the CDC, AASLD, and some research suggests risk-based screening is ineffective for...