Pulmonary Infections
From the Journals
Fluoroquinolones linked to sudden death risk for those on hemodialysis
Most patients undergoing hemodialysis have a least one risk factor for drug-induced QT interval prolongation.
From the Journals
Even one vaccinated member can cut family’s COVID risk
Study findings may be particularly welcome in regions of the world where vaccination rates are very low, according to investigators.
Effect of COVID-19 pandemic on respiratory infectious diseases in primary care practice
Public health measures to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 included a concurrent reduction in risk for children to acquire and spread respiratory...
From the Journals
TB prevention in people with HIV: How short can we go?
From the Journals
Vax campaign averted nearly 140,000 U.S. deaths through early May: Study
Researchers from RAND and Indiana University created models to estimate the number of COVID-19 deaths that would have happened without...
From the Journals
COVID-19 mitigation measures led to shifts in typical annual respiratory virus patterns
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Exposure to marijuana smoke linked to increased risk of respiratory infections in children
Children exposed to secondhand marijuana smoke saw a 30% increase in viral respiratory infections, compared with those who were not exposed to...
From the Journals
Injectable monoclonal antibodies prevent COVID-19 in trial
The cocktail of casirivimab and imdevimab reduced the relative risk of infection by 72% in patients at high risk of infection.
From the Journals
Standard medical mask can protect wearer from aerosols
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Texas doctor accused of vaccine theft faces grand jury
“I came as a practicing ER doctor into public health and as an ER doctor, I err on the side of life and that’s how I chose to make my decision.”...
Antimicrobial resistance threat continues during COVID-19
For some patients, the pandemic and antimicrobial resistance are intertwined.