Alzheimer's & Cognition
Azotemia, Anemia Predict Medical Deterioration in Dementia Inpatients
Major Finding: Within the dementia group, the positive predictive values for emergency transfer were 61% for azotemia, 61.5% for anemia, and 30%...
Amyloid Imaging Agent May Aid Alzheimer's Diagnosis
Ask Alzheimer's Patient Caregiver: Patch or Pill Therapy?
Neuropsychological Impairment Detected Early in Course of HIV
Asymptomatic Neurocognitive Impairment Quantified in HIV-Positive Patients
Major Finding: Patients with asymptomatic neurocognitive impairment had a 2.2- to 5.3-fold higher risk of developing symptomatic neurocognitive...
Diabetes Managed More Tightly in Demented Patients
Single Question Flags Depression in Chronic Pain
Major Finding: Asking patients who have activity-limiting pain how much they’ve felt downhearted or depressed in the past 4 weeks identified...
Delirium Due to Medical Cause Often Misdiagnosed as Psychiatric Disorder
Major Finding: Almost one-quarter of the geriatric patients admitted to a psychiatric unit were found to have delirium due to underlying medical...
Monitoring Antipsychotic Side Effects Infrequent Among Dementia Patients
Major Finding: By 90 days, the proportion of patients who were monitored for glucose or HbA1c was 27% of both the dementia/delirium group and the...
Pain Medications Relieve Agitation in Demented Patients
Asymptomatic Carotid Disease Impairs Cognitive Function
Major Finding: Patients with unilateral or bilateral asymptomatic carotid stenosis of at least 60% had significant cognitive-function impairment...