From the Journals

Eating disorder may be common in celiac disease



A new study examining avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) among patients with celiac disease found that the condition is common but is not associated with any difference in disease control. The findings suggest that some with celiac disease may pursue dietary control too far, but experts warn that ARFID is only recently being recognized in patients with GI diseases, the definition is in flux, and it’s important to not overpathologize patient behavior.

The new study, published in Gastro Hep Advances, comes in the wake of a 2021 cross-sectional study, which found that 53.7% of celiac disease patients met the criteria for ARFID based on the Nine-Item ARFID Screen, and were more likely to have anxiety, depression, and reduced food-related quality of life.

Gluten-free bread in a bin chameleonseye/Thinkstock

“I think both studies are hypothesizing that there might be greater fear around eating in these patients with celiac, but that the possible outcomes related to their disease may not actually be different,” said Helen Burton Murray, PhD, director of the GI behavioral health program and staff psychologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, who was asked to comment on the study.

She also noted that ARFID may represent a subgroup of celiac patients with more severe disease or worse quality of life, though the two studies can’t definitively prove that. The surveys used are intended for screening rather than diagnosis and have not yet been validated in patients with a gastrointestinal disease like celiac.

Although the symptoms of ARFID have been recognized for many years, it only became an official diagnosis with its inclusion in DSM-5 in 2013. Physicians are becoming increasingly aware of this potential comorbidity, but it can be difficult to diagnose or understand the impact of an eating disorder in a condition like celiac disease, where intense dietary management is the key to controlling it. “There’s concern about overpathologizing patients where dietary management can be a normative strategy, and overpathologizing by diagnosing ARFID. Is diagnosing ARFID going to change the patient’s treatment course and improve outcomes for them?” asked Dr. Burton Murray.

In some cases, the answer may be yes. Patients may be so restrictive in their eating that it impacts physical health or lifestyle. “Hypervigilance or worry around eating could extend to even non–gluten based foods. That may be a marker of where a patient’s eating behaviors are crossing the line into ARFID, if their diet is so limited when it doesn’t need to be, and those limitations might be harming them nutritionally, leading to weight loss or making it difficult to live their life in the way that they would like to,” said Dr. Burton Murray.

Still, the results of these studies shouldn’t be overinterpreted, according to Anne R. Lee, EdD, RDN, LD, associate professor of nutritional medicine at the celiac disease center at Columbia University, New York. “In the world of eating disorders, ARFID is the newest kid on the block, and one that’s in transition,” she said. What differentiates ARFID from other eating disorders is that food behavior is related to things like appetite or picky eating, but not body shape and size. Therefore, it helps to combine the ARFID screen with other eating disorder screening tools, Dr. Lee said.

“We need to differentiate between diagnosing someone with a disordered eating pattern versus helping them navigate their life within a gluten-free diet. We need to help them with developing strategies to maneuver through work lunches and social outings and all of those things so that we don’t overdiagnose,” said Dr. Lee.

In the new study, researchers retrospectively analyzed data from 137 patients with celiac disease at the Center for Human Nutrition at Vanderbilt University Medical Center; 107 were women, and the median age was 37 years. The researchers used questionnaires to evaluate diet, including the ARFID Symptom Checklist.

Seventy-eight participants (57%) had suspected ARFID; 30 had symptoms consistent with clinical ARFID and 48 consistent with subclinical ARFID. There were no differences between patients with and without ARFID with respect to anxiety and depression, length of illness, age, gender, body mass index, bone disease, or micronutrient or vitamin deficiency. Serology studies revealed only one difference: a higher frequency of tissue transglutaminase IgG antibody in the ARFID group (15% vs. 2%; P = .007).

There was a strong correlation between ARFID and the Impact of the Gluten Free Diet questionnaire (IGFDQ), with patients scoring higher on the social and food components more likely to also have ARFID. It was also the only predictor of ARFID in a multivariable analysis, with associations in the food (odds ratio, 1.64; P = .01), emotional (OR, 1.66; P = .05), and social (OR, 1.59; P = .01) sections.

The authors concluded that, although there were some study limitations, including possible patient misunderstanding of the survey questions and lack of knowledge of whether the patients had access to gluten-free foods, AFID is not only common, but it also has a significant impact on patients with celiac disease. The authors also noted that this assessment occurred over a 2-year period, with patients attending clinic only once a year. Follow-up surveys, duodenal biopsies, and bone density assessments could identify more differences over time.

Dr. Burton Murray and Dr. Lee have no relevant financial disclosures.

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