Conference Coverage

LUCENT-1: Mirikizumab sees phase 3 success in UC treatment



Better results if biologic naive

Clinical remission was stringently defined as: Mayo stool frequency subscore of zero or one, with a reduction of one point or greater from baseline; no rectal bleeding; and a Mayo endoscopic subscore of zero to one. When looking at this primary endpoint in terms of whether patients had received prior biologic treatment, there was a higher remission rate at week 12 if patients had not previously been given any biologic therapy than if they had, but rates were still higher than placebo (30.9% vs. 15.8% and 15.2% vs. 8.5%, respectively), according to the press release. The P value was less than .001 for both comparisons although the study was not powered to look at these subgroups of patients.

Similarly, for clinical response – which was a decrease in the modified Mayo score of 2 or more points and at least a 30% decrease from initial values, as well as a decrease in rectal bleeding – there were differences between patients who had (54.6% for mirikizumab vs. 29.7% for placebo) and had not (70.1% vs. 50.3%) received a biologic previously (again, P less than .001 for both comparisons).

“Control of bowel function is one of the most debilitating, or one of the most important features for patients with ulcerative colitis,” Dr. D’Haens said when presenting the data on bowel urgency. In the trial there was an improvement in urgency – which was rated by patients – starting as early as week 2, with further improvement seen as the induction period went on.

Mirikizumab safety consistent with other trials

Dr. D’Haens noted that the safety profile of IL23 antibodies was “extremely clean.” As with other trials of mirikizumab, he said, there were similar or lower rates to placebo for many adverse events including any infection (15.1% vs. 14%) and cerebrocardiovascular events (0.6% vs. 0.1%). The overall rate of treatment emergent adverse events was 44.5% vs. 46.1% for mirikizumab and placebo. Notably, there were fewer serious adverse events (2.8% vs. 5.3%.) and discontinuations because of side effects (1.6% vs. 7.2%) in the mirikizumab group.

Are gastroenterologists now spoiled for choice?

Lots of questions followed Dr. D’Haens presentation, many picking up on the high placebo response and remission rates.

“We’ve seen it in a number of trials now,” Dr. D’Haens said. “One of the reasons is that patients are allowed to start corticosteroids as late as 2 weeks before randomization,” he observed. In LUCENT-1, half of the patients that were using steroids were receiving a dose of 20 mg of prednisone.

“Now when you start 20 mg of prednisone 2 weeks before randomization that might have an impact on your placebo readout. So I think that’s a lesson for many more trials in the future,” Dr. D’Haens said,”

A high placebo response rate was not expected and another hypothesis is that maybe additional clinical support for fatigue that was received may have played a role.

Several delegates asked for guidance on where mirikizumab and other IL-23p19 blockers might now fit in the grand scheme of patient treatment.

“It is really nice to have expanding therapeutic options but how will we choose?” said one in the online Q&A. “Which IL23 antagonist should we be using now?” and “Is ustekinumab obsolete in UC?” asked others.

“I think it’s early days to decide where the field is going,” Dr. D’Haens said after his presentation. “We don’t have head-to-head data. In GALAXI, ustekinumab was a reference arm.”

There will be further subanalyses of LUCENT-1 to come, including results from endoscopy and histology investigations, and the maintenance trial LUCENT-2 will also report soon.

“The feeling is that IL23 blockade is more specific, [more] beneficial in inflammatory bowel disease than blocking both IL12 and IL23,” Dr. D’Haens said.

Dr. D’Haens was an investigator in the LUCENT-1 trial and has acted as an adviser to the study’s sponsor, Eli Lilly, among many other big pharma companies. Dr. Bettenworth is on the advisory board or is a consultant for AbbVie, Amgen, Arena, Atheneum, BNG Service GmbH, Bristol Myers Squibb, CED-Service GmbH, Celltrion, Else Kröner-Fresenius-Foundation, Galapagos, Guidepoint, Impulze, Falk Foundation, Ferring, Janssen Cilag, Medical Tribune, MedTriX, MSD, Mylan, Onkowissen, Pharmacosmos, Pfizer, Roche, Sandoz, Takeda, Tetrameros, Thieme, Tillotts Pharma, and Vifor Pharma.


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