
What's Next for the ACA?: The Policy & Practice Podcast


Days after the Supreme Court ruling to largely uphold the Affordable Care Act, some questions remain. While almost every provision of the law got the green light, the Court ruled that states could opt out of the Medicaid expansion, without incurring a financial penalty. It’s unclear how many state will choose this route, and what the implications for Medicaid enrollees could be.

Alicia Ault/IMNG Medical Media The GOP Doctor's Caucus responded to the ruling with a promise to replace the ACA with step-by-step, patient-centered approach. -- Frances Correa (@FMCReporting)

In the meantime, Republican opponents of the law remain set on repealing it, regardless of the Court’s ruling. House Republicans have a repeal vote scheduled for July 11 and presumptive Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said, if elected, he’d act to repeal the law as his first order of business. For more details on that and more, check out this week’s Policy & Practice Podcast.

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