Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions
Must Reads by Date
Must reads for theWeek ending February 28, 2016
Nonpharmacologic vs Pharmacologic Treatment of MDD, ACP guidelines for adults with MDD
Screening for Depression in Children & Adolescents, USPSTF issues recommendation statement
Normal-Weight Central Obesity & Mortality Risk, Evaluating older adults with CAD
Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancies in US, Study reveals adverse reproductive outcomes
Remote Monitoring of Patients with Heart Failure, Effectiveness after discharge studied
Must reads for theWeek ending February 21, 2016
Adult Immunization Schedule for 2016, ACIP offers practice recommendations for adults
Child/Adolescent Immunization Schedule for 2016, ACIP offers practice recommendations
Treatment of Unexplained Chronic Cough, Guideline offers diagnosis & treatment options
Medication Adherence in Chronic Disease, Is mobile telephone text messaging the answer?
FDA Approves Onzetra Xsail for Migraine in Adults, Intranasal medication for treatment of migraine
Must reads for theWeek ending February 14, 2016
Screening for Depression in Adults, USPSTF statement touts primary care settings
Acute Myocardial Infarction in Women, AHA statement examines sex-specific differences
Hematuria a Marker of Occult Urinary Tract Cancer, ACP Offers Advice for High-Value Care
FDA Approves Zepatier for Treatment of Chronic HCV, Genotypes 1 and 4 infections targeted
Mediterranean Diet & Breast Cancer, Association with reduced invasive BC risk
Must reads for theWeek ending February 7, 2016
Acute Respiratory Tract Infection in Adults, ACP guidelines look at appropriate antibiotic use
Aggressive Cancer Care Near End of Life, Gaining the family perspective
Patient Choice in HIV Screening, A look at opt-in, opt-out defaults
FDA Approves Omnigraft for Diabetic Foot Ulcers, New indication for matrix device
FDA Approves Dalvance for Skin Infections, Single-dose option approved for adults
Must reads for theWeek ending January 31, 2016
Screening for Breast Cancer, USPSTF issues recommendation statement
PPIs and the Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease, What is the association?
Beverage Intake & Visceral Adipose Tissue Change, Sugar-sweetened beverages vs diet soda
Diarrhea in Patients with Recurrent CDI, Frozen vs fresh fecal microbiota transplantation
Prepregnancy BMI & Infant Mortality, What are the risks?