Latest News
WHO recommends HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis as a prevention option
Key clinical point: Men who have sex with men should consider pre-exposure prophylaxis with antiretroviral medications as an additional option to...
WHO recommends HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis as a prevention option
Key clinical point: Men who have sex with men should consider pre-exposure prophylaxis with antiretroviral medications as an additional option to...
First comorbidity guidelines drafted for psoriatic arthritis
First comorbidity guidelines drafted for psoriatic arthritis
Survival benefit from contralateral prophylactic mastectomy small
Key clinical point: The long-term survival benefit of contralateral prophylactic mastectomy is small.Major Finding: The absolute 20-year survival...
From the Journals
Nurse-managed protocols benefit outpatients with chronic disease
Nurse-managed protocols in the outpatient setting have consistently positive effects on adult patients with chronic disease, according to a meta-...
ACP pelvic guidelines could lead to care variations
USPSTF: Don’t screen general population for carotid stenosis
Key clinical finding: Don’t screen asymptomatic adults for carotid artery stenosis.
New clinical practice guidelines on pheochromocytomas
SSTI guidelines stress diagnostic skill, careful treatment
USPSTF: Women smokers might benefit from AAA screening
Key clinical point: Women aged 65-75 years who have smoked more than 100 cigarettes ever could benefit from one-time ultrasonography screening for...