The goal of preventive medications is to decrease the frequency, severity, and duration of migraine attacks. Effective treatment can increase responsiveness to acute migraine therapy and improve the quality of life in patients suffering from migraine. Every patient is different and thus the side effects they experience vary. With time and patience, most patients find the relief from migraine they have been desperately seeking through the preventive medicines discussed above. This is a good time to have migraine, if you can get in to see a knowledgeable doctor and your insurance company cooperates. When I started my neurology practice 51 years ago, we had few preventives, and none approved by the FDA. Now we have several older, approved preventives—4 newer mAbs, and 2 newer gepants—as well as several devices, which we will discuss in the future.
Expert Perspective
Update on Migraine Prevention 2023
Publish date: May 19, 2023
Author and Disclosure Information
Dr. Rapaport has no disclosures to report.