Personalizing care is at the heart of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) 2020–2021 President Dr. Eva Chalas’ initiative to “Revisit the Visit.” As obstetrician-gynecologists, we care for patients across the entirety of their life. This role gives us the opportunity to form long-term partnerships with women to address important preventive health care measures.
Dr. Chalas established a Presidential Task Force that identified 5 areas of preventive health that significantly influence the long-term morbidity of women: obesity, cardiovascular disease, preconception counseling, diabetes, and cancer risk. The annual visit can serve as a particularly impactful point of care to achieve specific preventive care objectives and offer mitigation strategies based on patient-specific risk factors. We are uniquely positioned to identify and initiate the conversation and subsequently manage, treat, and address these critical health areas.
Harnessing modern technology
To adopt these health topics into practice, we need improved, more effective tools both to increase productivity during the office visit and to provide more personalized care. Notably, the widespread adoption of and proliferation of mobile devices—and the medical apps accessible on them—is creating new and innovative ways to improve health and health care delivery. More than 90% of physicians use a smartphone at work, and 62% of smartphone users have used their device to gather health data.1
In addition, according to a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) report, in 2017, 325,000 health care applications were available on smartphones; this equates to an expected 3.7 billion mobile health application downloads that year by 1.7 billion smartphone users worldwide.2 As of October 2020, 48,000-plus health apps were available on the iOS mobile operating system alone.3
For patients and clinicians, picking the most suitable apps can be challenging in the face of evolving clinical evidence, emerging privacy risks, functionality concerns, and the fact that apps constantly update and change. Many have relied on star rating systems and user reviews in app stores to guide their selection process despite mounting evidence that suggests that such evaluation methods are misleading, not always addressing such important parameters as usability, validity, security, and privacy.4,5
Approaches for evaluating medical apps
Many app evaluation frameworks have emerged, but none is universally accepted within the health care field.
The American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) App Evaluation Model represents a comprehensive resource to consider when evaluating medical apps. It stratifies numerous variables into 5 levels that form a pyramid. In this model, background information forms the base of this pyramid and includes factors such as business model, credibility, cost, and advertising of the app. The top of the pyramid is comprised of data integration that considers data ownership and therapeutic alliance.6 Although this model is beneficial in that it provides a framework, it is not practical for point-of-care purposes as it offers no objective way to rate or score an app for quick and easy comparison.
The privately owned and operated Health On the Net (HON) Foundation is well known for its HONcode, an ethical standard for quality medical information on the internet. It uses 8 principles to certify a health website. However, the HON website itself states that it cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of medical information presented by a site.7 Although HON certification by a website is a sign of good intention, it is not beneficial to the practicing clinician who is looking to use an app to directly assist in clinical care.
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is another well-respected body that has delineated essential details to consider when using a health website. The AHRQ identifies features (similar to those of the APA pyramid and HONcode) for users to consider, such as credibility, content, design, and disclosures.8 However, this model too lacks a concise user-friendly evaluating system.
Although the FDA plans to apply some regulatory authority to the evaluation of a certain subset of high-risk mobile medical apps, it is not planning to evaluate or regulate many of the medical apps that clinicians use in daily practice. This leaves us, and our patients, to be guided by the principle of caveat emptor, or “let the buyer beware.”
Thus, Dr. Chalas’ Presidential Task Force carefully considered various resources to provide a useful tool that would help obstetrician-gynecologists objectively vet a medical app in practice.
Continue to: The Task Force’s recommended rubric...