Evidence-Based Reviews

Treatment-resistant OCD: There’s more we can do

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Alternative strategies

Augmentation strategies with neuroleptics,61 transcranial magnetic stimulation,62 and deep brain stimulation63 have recently been reviewed. Space limitations preclude a comprehensive review of these strategies, but in a cross-sectional study of augmentation strategies in OCD, no difference was found in terms of symptom severity between those prescribed SSRI monotherapy or augmentation with neuroleptics, benzodiazepines, or antidepressants.64

Progress in CBT

Mr. S agrees to a trial of NAC as an augmentation strategy, but after 8 weeks of treatment with NAC, 600 mg twice daily, his Y-BOCS had declined by only 2 points. He also complains of nausea and does not want to increase the dose. You discontinue NAC and opt to further explore his reaction to CBT. Mr. S shares that he has been seeing his psychologist only once every 3 weeks because he does not want to miss work. You encourage him to increase to weekly CBT sessions, and you obtain his permission to contact his therapist and his family members. Fortunately, his therapist is highly qualified, but unfortunately, Mr. S’s father has been sending him multiple critical emails about not advancing at his job and for being “lazy” at work. You schedule a session with Mr. S and his father. Great progress is made after Mr. S and his father both share their frustrations and come to understand and appreciate each other’s struggles. Four weeks later, after weekly CBT appointments, Mr. S has a Y-BOCS of 18 and spends <2 hours/d checking emails for errors and apologizing.

Bottom Line

It is unrealistic to expect OCD symptoms to be cured. Many ‘treatment-resistant’ patients have not received properly delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy, and this first-line treatment modality should be considered in every eligible patient, and augmented with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) when needed. Glutamatergic agents, in turn, can augment SSRIs.

Related Resources

Drug Brand Names
Citalopram • Celexa
Clomipramine • Anafranil
Escitalopram • Lexapro
Fluoxetine • Prozac
Fluvoxamine • Luvox
Ketamine • Ketalar
Lamotrigine • Lamictal
Memantine • Namenda
Paroxetine • Paxil
Sertraline • Zoloft
Topiramate • Topomax


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