In this case, moving forward with the CBT plan first required a “husbandectomy,” in which the husband was encouraged to attend some activities at a nearby senior center so that his wife could begin to regain her self-esteem and meet her self-defined goals.
The 10 Rules of CBT Adherence
1. Anticipate nonadherence.
2. Consider the prescribed regimen from the patient's perspective.
3. Foster a collaborative relationship based on negotiation.
4. Prepare for flare-ups.
5. Customize treatment.
6. Enlist family support.
7. Provide a system of continuity and accessibility.
8. Make use of other health care providers (such as occupational or physical therapists) as well as community resources.
9. Repeat, repeat, repeat everything.
10. Don't give up! Pain specialists represent Ellis Island or Lourdes to chronic pain patients. If they were easy patients, “they wouldn't be seeing you.”
Source: Dr. Turk