The following symptoms fall within the negative dimension19:
Alogia refers to the impoverished thinking and cognition that often occur in patients with schizophrenia. The patient’s thinking processes seem empty, turgid, or slow, as inferred from the patient’s speech. The 2 major manifestations of alogia are poverty of speech (nonfluent empty speech) and poverty of content of speech (fluent but empty speech). Examples of each appear in Table 2.19
Affective flattening or bluntingmanifests as a general impoverishment of emotional expression, reactivity, and feeling. Affective flattening can be assessed through observing a patient’s behavior and responsiveness during the interview.
Avolition-apathy manifests itself as a lack of energy and drive. Patients become inert and are unable to mobilize themselves to initiate or persist in completing many kinds of tasks.
Anhedonia-asociality encompasses the patient’s difficulties in experiencing interest or pleasure. It may express itself as a loss of interest in pleasurable activities, an inability to experience pleasure when participating in activities normallyconsidered pleasurable, or a lack of involvement in social relationships.