From the Editor

Let’s ‘cancel’ these obsolete terms in DSM

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Over the past 15 years, an expanding group of schizophrenia experts have agreed that this term must be changed to one that reflects the core features of this syndrome, and have proposed terms such as “salience syndrome,” “psychosis-spectrum,” and “reality distortion and cognitive impairment disorder.”3 In fact, several countries have already adopted a new official diagnosis for schizophrenia.4 Japan now uses the term “integration disorder,” which has significantly reduced the stigma of this brain disorder.5 South Korea changed the name to “attunement disorder.” Hong Kong and Taiwan now use “dysfunction of thought and perception.” Some researchers recommend calling schizophrenia “Bleuler’s syndrome,” a neutral eponymous designation.

One of the most irritating things about the term schizophrenia is the widespread misconception that it means “split personality.” This prompts some sports announcers to call a football team “schizophrenic” if they play well in the first half and badly in the second. The stock market is labeled “schizophrenic” if it goes up one day and way down on the next. No other medical term is misused by the media as often as the term schizophrenia.

Narcissistic personality disorder. The origin of this diagnostic category is the concept of “malignant narcissism” coined by Erich Fromm in 1964, which he designated as “the quintessence of evil.” I strongly object to implying that evil is part of any psychiatric diagnosis. Numerous studies have found structural brain abnormalities (in both gray and white matter) in patients diagnosed with psychopathic traits.6 Later, malignant narcissism was reframed as narcissistic personality disorder in 1971 by Herbert Rosenfeld. Although malignant narcissism was never accepted by either the DSM or the International Classification of Diseases, narcissistic personality disorder has been included in the DSM for the past few decades. This diagnosis reeks of disparagement and negativity. Persons with narcissistic personality disorder have been shown to have pathological brain changes in resting-state functional connectivity,7 weakened frontostriatal white matter connectivity,8,9 and a reduced frontal thickness and cortical volume.10 A distorted sense of self and others is a socially disabling disorder that should generate empathy, not disdain. Narcissistic personality disorder should be replaced by a term that accurately describes its behavioral pathology, and should not incorporate Greek mythology.

Mania. This is another unfortunate diagnosis that immediately evokes a negative image of patients who suffer from a potentially lethal brain disorder. It was fortunate that Robert Kendall coined the term “bipolar disorder” to replace “manic-depressive illness,” but mania is still being used within bipolar disorder as a prominent clinical phase. While depression accurately describes the mood in the other phase of this disorder, the term mania evokes wild, irrational behavior. Because the actual mood symptom cluster in mania is either elation/grandiosity or irritability/anger, why not replace mania with “elation/irritability phase of bipolar disorder”? It is more descriptive of the patient’s mood and is less pejorative.

Nomenclature is vital, and words do matter, especially when used as a diagnostic medical term. Psychiatry must “cancel” its archaic names, which are infused with negative connotations. Reinventing the psychiatric lexicon is a necessary act of renewal in a specialty where a poorly worded diagnostic label can morph into the equivalent of a “scarlet letter.” Think of other contemptuous terms, such as refrigerator mother, male hysteria, moral insanity, toxic parents, inadequate personality disorder, neurasthenia, or catastrophic schizophrenia.

General medicine regularly discards many of its obsolete terms.11 These include terms such as ablepsy, ague, camp fever, bloody flux, chlorosis, catarrh, consumption, dropsy, French pox, phthisis, milk sickness, and scrumpox.

Think also of how society abandoned the antediluvian names of boys and girls. Few parents these days would name their son Ackley, Allard, Arundel, Awarnach, Beldon, Durward, Grower, Kenlm, or Legolan, or name their daughter Afton, Agrona, Arantxa, Corliss, Demelza, Eartha, Maida, Obsession, Radella, or Sacrifice.In summary, a necessary part of psychiatry’s progress is shedding obsolete terminology, even if it means slaughtering some widely used “traditional” vocabulary. It is a necessary act of renewal, and the image of psychiatry will be burnished by it.


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