


Booklet on Mental Illness in Women

The Substance Abuse & Mental Health Service Administration has created a booklet, “Women's Mental Health: What It Means to You” to provide infomation on symptoms, and suggestions for support, and solutions to address women's mental health issues. The booklet can be downloaded from

Mapping Out the Teen Years

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is offering a free, high-quality CD called “The Teen Years: A Road Map for Parents,” that provides expert advice on adolescence and guidance aimed at helping adolecents through this transitional time. For more information about the booklet, visit

Report on Women's Mental Health

A report from the Substance Abuse and- Mental Health Services Administration, “Action Steps for Improving Women's Mental Health,” compiles the latest research and resources on women's mental health, and provides strategies for policy action and research. For online access to the report, visit

Preventing Teen Drug Abuse

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is offering a free booklet, “Keeping Your Kids Drug Free: A Family Guide,” which has been developed to help parents keep their kids away from marijuana and other illicit drugs. Versions aimed at Spanish speakers and African Americans also are available. For more information, visit

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