
Maria A. Oquendo, MD, PhD, on the state of psychiatry

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For this Psychiatry Leaders’ Perspectives, Awais Aftab, MD, interviewed Maria A. Oquendo, MD, PhD. Dr. Oquendo is the Ruth Meltzer Professor and Chairman of Psychiatry at University of Pennsylvania and Psychiatrist-in-Chief at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Until 2016, she was Professor of Psychiatry and Vice Chairman for Education at Columbia University. In 2017, she was elected to the National Academy of Medicine, one of the highest honors in medicine. Dr. Oquendo has used positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging to map brain abnormalities in mood disorders and suicidal behavior. Dr. Oquendo is Past President of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), the International Academy of Suicide Research, and the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP). She is President of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Board of Directors, Vice President of the College of International Neuropsychopharmacology, and has served on the National Institute of Mental Health’s Advisory Council. A recipient of multiple awards in the US, Europe, and South America, most recently, she received the Virginia Kneeland Award for Distinguished Women in Medicine (Columbia University 2016), the Award for Mood Disorders Research (ACP 2017), the Alexandra Symonds Award (APA 2017), the APA’s Research Award (2018), the Dolores Shockley Award (ACNP 2018), the Alexander Glassman Award (Columbia University 2021), and the Senior Investigator Klerman Award (Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance 2021).

Dr. Aftab: A major focus of your presidential year at APA was on prevention in psychiatry (especially suicide prevention), and working toward prevention through collaboration with colleagues in other medical specialties. What is your perspective on where our field presently stands in this regard?

Dr. Oquendo: There are more and more studies that focus on early childhood or pre-adolescence and the utility of intervening at the first sign of a potential issue. This is quite different from what was the case when I was training. Back then, the idea was that in many cases it was best to wait because kids might “grow out of it.” The implication was that care or intervention were “stigmatizing,” or that it could affect the child’s self-esteem and we wanted to “spare” the child. What we are learning now is that there are advantages of intervening early even if the issues are subtle, potentially preventing development of more serious problems down the line. Still, much work remains to be done. Because so many of the disorders we treat are in fact neurodevelopmental, we desperately need more investigators focused on childhood and adolescent mental health. We also need scientists to identify biomarkers that will permit identification of individuals at risk before the emergence of symptoms. Developing that workforce should be front and center if we are to make a dent in the rising rates of psychiatric disorders.

Dr. Aftab: What do you see as some of the strengths of our profession?

Dr. Oquendo: Our profession’s recognition that the doctor-patient relationship remains a powerful element of healing is one of its greatest strengths. Psychiatry is the only area of medicine in which practitioners are students of the doctor-patient relationship. That provides an unparalleled ability to leverage it for good. Another strength is that many who enter psychiatry are humanists, so as a field, we are collectively engaged in working towards improving conditions for our patients and our community.

Dr. Aftab: Are there ways in which the status quo in psychiatry falls short of the ideal? What are our areas of relative weakness?

Dr. Oquendo: The most challenging issue that plagues psychiatry is not of our making, but we do have to address it. The ongoing lack of parity in the US and the insurance industry’s approach of using carve-outs and other strategies to keep psychiatry reimbursement low has led many, if not most, to practice on a cash basis only. This hurts our patients, but also our reputation among our medical colleagues. We need to use creative solutions and engage in advocacy to bring about change.

Dr. Aftab: What is your perception of the threats that psychiatry faces or is likely to face in the future?

Dr. Oquendo: An ongoing threat relates to the low reimbursement for psychiatric services, which tends to drive clinicians towards cash-based practices. Advocacy at the state and federal level as well as with large employers may be one strategy to remedy this inequity.

Dr. Aftab: What do you envision for the future of psychiatry? What sort of opportunities lie ahead for us?

Dr. Oquendo: The adoption of the advances in psychiatry that permit greater reach, such as the adoption of integrated mental health services, utilization of physician extenders, etc., has been slow in psychiatry, but I think the pace is accelerating. This is important because of an upcoming opportunity: the burgeoning need for our help. With stigma quickly decreasing and the younger generations being open about their needs and prioritization of mental health and wellness, it will be a new era, one in which we can make a huge difference in the health and quality of life of the population.

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